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Copyright: TMB Fotoarchiv R. Zibell
Copyright: TMB Fotoarchiv R. Zibell

Pressemitteilung -

New Boat Lift in Niederfinow: Launch scheduled for the end of 2022

The steel giant in the Barnimer Land has already started moving – during a trial period the lift is being operated several times a day for inland waterway vessels. The newly built, second boat lift in Niederfinow can overcome a rise of 36 metres. It has taken a good 13 years to build, and the test phase will continue until the third quarter of 2022, after which time it will be officially inaugurated. It is operated by just one person, whose workstation is almost 50 metres above the ground. The boat lift connects Stettin harbour on the Baltic Sea with Berlin via the Oder-Havel Canal. A new lift became necessary because the old one from 1934 is too small for today´s coasters and freight vessels. The new boat lift stands next to the old one and will soon become another of the region´s tourist attractions. Around 150,000 visitors come here each year. Many of them experience the lift at first hand, by buying a ticket for a boat trip and going on board a few hundred metres behind the lift. The boat moves into the lift, is raised up, turns around and is lowered back down again. A very special experience, and one that lasts around 1.5 hours!

Further information: https://niederfinow.de/schiffshebewerk





The TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH was founded in 1998. As a destination management company, the TMB is responsible for the long-term and sustainable positioning, development and marketing of the tourism product in the Federal State of Brandenburg. This includes, in particular, the management of the Brandenburg brand and the process associated with it. Shareholders in the TMB are the Federal State of Brandenburg (59%), the “Vereinigung Brandenburgischer Körperschaften zur Förderung der Brandenburgischen Tourismuswirtschaft GbR” (Association of Brandenburg Corporations for the promotion of the Brandenburg Tourism Industry) (36%) and the Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH (visitBerlin) (5%).

TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH,  Babelsberger Straße 26, 14473 Potsdam

Telefon: +49 (0)331 29873-0 | Telefax: +49 (0)331 29873-73
service@reiseland-brandenburg.de | www.reiseland-brandenburg.de

Amtsgericht Potsdam HRB 11403 | Ust-IdNr. DE194533636Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Staatssekretär Hendrik Fischer | Geschäftsführer: Dieter Hütte


Regina Zibell

Regina Zibell

Pressereisen / Auslandspresse +49 (331) 29873252
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2016 x 1512, 697 KB

TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH

​Die TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH wurde 1998 gegründet. Als Destinations-Management-Organisation ist die TMB für die langfristige und nachhaltige Positionierung sowie Entwicklung und Vermarktung der touristischen Angebote im Land Brandenburg verantwortlich.

TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH

Babelsberger Straße 26
14473 Potsdam