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C: Markus Tiemann Tourismusverband Mecklenburg Vorpommern.
C: Markus Tiemann Tourismusverband Mecklenburg Vorpommern.

Pressemitteilung -

Explore Brandenburg by Bike

Explore Brandenburg by Bike

Brandenburg has a very well-developed cycle network. It comprises more than 11,600 kilometres of developed cycle paths with 29 long-distance routes and 30 local routes for leisure cycling. The tours run alongside lakes and rivers, across natural landscapes or between towns and cities with historic centres. Numbered junctions make it possible for everyone to plan their own individual tour.

Alongside famous and popular long-distance routes such as the Berlin-Copenhagenor Berln-Usedom routes, the Oder-Neisse Cycle Route, the Elbe Cycle Route and the Spree Forest Cucumber Cycle Path, there are also several regional routes that are well-frequented by visitors. The junction system, which has been installed throughout Brandenburg allows them to carefully plan their tours. It works as follows: Wherever at least three cycle paths cross, there is a junction. Each junction has a number, which is easy to see in red and white at the top of a signpost. Also written on the signpost are the numbers of the next junctions in each direction and a map, which cyclists can use to orientate themselves and to plan their own individual route. Using the numbers makes it possible to plan a route on a special theme or to a specific length. With its dense cycle route network, this system in Brandenburg is perfectly suited to offering as many tour options as possible. Since the introduction of the junction system, Brandenburg´s tourism cycle network has tripled in size.

E-Bikes are also the trend in Brandenburg

With a built-in electric tailwind, you can explore along the Elbe, Oder or Havel rivers – in a carefree and environmentally friendly manner. Inclines and longer stretches through forests and meadows are easy to master, thanks to your e-bike´s almost silent motor. In many regions of Brandenburg the service network for this environmental friendly form of transport has been continuously extended in recent years. Several tourism companies allow cyclists to charge their batteries while they take a break. And for those who do not have their own e-bike, there are plenty of places where they can rent – even special e-bikes, for example for children or mountain bikes for off-road cycling. The “electromobility for the whole family” product in the Elbe-Elster tourism region is unique in Brandenburg. Since June 2018, visitors and locals alike have had the opportunity of exploring the south of Brandenburg as a family using the e-bikes provided. www.elbe-elster-land.de

Bed & Bike: Especially cyclist-friendly accommodation

Almost 500 hotels, guesthouses and holiday home companies in Brandenburg have been awarded bed & bike quality certification by the German Cycle Club (ADFC). They all offer comprehensive services for cyclists – from facilities for storing bikes or drying clothes to cycle repair services. Cyclists are always welcome – even if they only stay for one night. An overview of bed & bike accommodation can be found at www.bettundbike.de

Tour planning with the TMB Brandenburg App

Visitors can use the free TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg app to help them organise their cycling tours. The app is free of advertising and allows them to plan tours through Brandenburg and research which attractions, eating establishments, cycle routes and accommodation are on the route. The routing uses the OpenStreetMap cycle network and also has GPS, WiFi and mobile phone functions. The routes are shown on Falk OpenStreetMaps, KOMPASS and Google street maps. All results can be saved and are thereby available offline. The app makes it easy to find all the long-distance cycle paths, regional routes and more than 150 recommended tours for days out.

Cycle Tourism Facts and Figures

Cycle tourism (leisure tourism, tourists on days out from their holíday destination, cyclists from Berlin, Brandenburg and the neighbouring federal states on days out) accounts for 25 percent of the total tourism turnover in Brandenburg. The Oder-Spree Lakeland is an ADFC certified cycling holiday region.

Examples of national / international cycle routes:

  • Berlin-Copenhagen (total distance 648 kilometres)
  • Oder-Neiße Cycle Path (total distance 599 kilometres)
  • Spree Cycle Route (total distance 410 kilometres)
  • Elbe Cycle Route (total distance 1120 kilometres)
  • Tour Brandenburg (1,111 kilometres, all Brandenburg)
  • Bishops Tour (108 kilometres Prignitz, N.W. Brandenburg)
  • Dahme Cycle Route (123 kilometres, Dahme Lakeland, S.E. Brandenburg)
  • Oderbruch Railway Cycle Trail (144 kilometres, Oder-Spree Lakeland, E. Brandenburg)
  • Mark Brandenburg Castle Tour (188 kilometres, Oder-Spree Lakeland, E. Brandenburg)
  • Prince Pueckler Cycle Path (508 kilometres, Spree Forest, Lower Lusatia, Lusatian Lakeland, Elbe-Elster Region)
  • Coal, Wind and Water Tour (252 kilometres, Elbe-Elster Region)
  • Uckermark Circular Cycle Route (261 kilometres, Uckermark)
  • Cucumber Cycle Path (257 kilometres, Spree Forest, Dahme Lakeland, Lower Lusatia)
  • Historic Town Centres Cycle Routes (6 Routes)
  • Lakeland Route (186 kilometres, Lusatian Lakeland)

Examples of popular themed routes in Brandenburg:

For further information visit:






Die TMBTourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH wurde 1998 gegründet. Als Destination-Management-Organisationist die TMB für die langfristige und nachhaltige Positionierung sowieEntwicklung und Vermarktung der touristischen Angebote im Land Brandenburgverantwortlich. Hierzu zählt insbesondere die Markenführung der touristischenMarke Brandenburg und der damit verbundene Markenprozess. Die Gesellschafterder TMB sind das Land Brandenburg (59 Prozent), die VereinigungBrandenburgischer Körperschaften zur Förderung der BrandenburgischenTourismuswirtschaft GbR (36 Prozent) und die Berlin Tourismus & KongressGmbH (visitBerlin) (5 Prozent).

TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH, Babelsberger Straße 26, 14473 Potsdam

Telefon: +49 (0)331 29873-0 | Telefax: +49 (0)331 29873-73
service@reiseland-brandenburg.de | www.reiseland-brandenburg.de

Amtsgericht Potsdam HRB 11403 | Ust-IdNr. DE194533636Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Staatssekretär Hendrik Fischer | Geschäftsführer: Dieter Hütte


Birgit Kunkel

Birgit Kunkel

Pressekontakt Leiterin Unternehmenskommunikation / Pressesprecherin +49(331)29873-250
Patrick Kastner

Patrick Kastner

Pressekontakt Pressesprecher +49(331)29873-253
Matthias Schäfer

Matthias Schäfer

Pressekontakt Pressereferent +49(331)29873-254

TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH

​Die TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH wurde 1998 gegründet. Als Destinations-Management-Organisation ist die TMB für die langfristige und nachhaltige Positionierung sowie Entwicklung und Vermarktung der touristischen Angebote im Land Brandenburg verantwortlich.

TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH

Babelsberger Straße 26
14473 Potsdam